Hello, I'm Susan.

I am a wife to Scott and a Mama to four sons. We are doing our best to raise them with kind hearts and loving our big God. I have loved photography since I was a little girl. I love Saturdays in the fall, being at the cabin and all things family. I love comfy jeans, warm chocolate chip cookies and snow days. I love quiet prayers and encouraging words. I do my best to CHOOSE JOY every day. I love warmth and comfort, peace and quiet, and I LOVE beautiful photos.

I love how photography can capture a moment in time. In my opinion you can never, ever have too many photos. My favorite thing is to capture the photo that no one even knew I was taking. 

I am inspired by love.

1. Being a Mom.
2. Maui, my favorite place to vacation.
3. My boys.
4. My marriage. #itmatterswhoyoumarry
5. Family at the cabin in Minnesota.
6. My Mom who went to heaven in 2016.
7. My faith.
8. Ohio State.
9. Snow.
10. The Shisler farm in Ohio.

Being a Mom.

Maui, my favorite place to vacation.

Family at the cabin in Minnesota.

My Boys.

My Marriage.

My faith.


Ohio State.


The Shisler farm in Ohio.

My Favorite Things

The meaning.

TWIG: Is a family nickname that has been passed down from my Dad. “Twig” is short for my maiden name “Terwilliger” and “Twigs” was my nickname all through school.

DAISY: Daisies are one of my top 5 favorite flowers. It flowed the best with Twig, A side note if you really want to know the other 4 favorites they are tulips, peonies, ranunculus and roses. (now you see why I chose “DAISY”)

The history.

While I grew up taking photos ALL the time (yep, I was the girl with a camera on the last day of school and all the church stuff), and then taking photos of my friends, family, and my boys non-stop, I had not ever considered photography as a career. Twig and Daisy officially started the fall of 2011 thanks to two senior boys, Tyler and Andrew. Their moms were friends of mine, and the boys were not interested in any type of official senior photos from anyone. Their moms asked them if it would be okay if “Mrs. Shisler” took photos of them. They both agreed and were both pleasantly surprised how painless having photos taken could be. We even added in some with their families; we were having so much fun. I posted those on Facebook, and well…Twig and Daisy was born.

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